Saturday 19 July 2008

Bon Odori 2008: The Story

Let me introduce what is Bon Odori. Bon Odori (盆踊り, meaning simply Bon dance) is an event held during Obon. It is celebrated as a reminder of the gratefulness one should feel toward one's ancestors. Besides Japan, there are several places in the world who following the custom of Japan. Country like Brazil, China, United States, Canada and most importantly, Malaysia. The one I attend was last week at
Penasonic Sport Complex(Matsushitta Sports Centre), Shah Alam.

Besides the bon dance, we can enjoy the Japanese Crusine:

The food we bought:

Seeing kawaii japanese girls:

Opps!! Wrong picture. That's not 'kawaii Japanese Girls'
That's Pui San, my Cyberjaya friend....

This is the right one...

And of course come to Bon Odori didn't join the bon dance will be an idiot:

And the highlight for me was, reunion with my Cyberjaya friends:

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