Sunday 3 August 2008

The Evening Breeze

Short Notes: This poem specially dedicted to my late great grand mother....

As I felt the evening breeze drifts gently by,
Scarcely stirring the blades of the green,
It lugs a message from the distant lands,
That darkness will descend in a little while,
To cast its spell of shadowy tranquility.
There is a melody in today's silence,
A low poignant tune of nothingness.
An ache in my heart - dimness of shadows
Dusk enshrouding the soreness within the soul.
Wounded whirling mind haunts this hour.
I am back to those days gone long back,
When as a child I lay upon my great-grand's lap,
Utterly aloof of the ways of the world,
I tried so hard to grab hold of the wind,
Which stroked me once and then was gone.
Even now I am playing an identical game,
To touch a chord of the recollections of the past.
History takes wing to reach out to me,
I try to be moved by it, feel it, to be in it again.
But what is once gone has left not to return.
Catching what went before is so much like,
Arresting the breeze within a baby's fist,
I can barely feel it and handle it with my mind,
Alas! Time once departed is gone forever,
In no way to return ever...!

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