Friday 1 August 2008

Something BIG bang me

Yesterday afternoon saw Kang Yong at library, we talked about JLS things about member's gathering, helping out President Sher May and we did reached a point that talk about JCW(Japanese Calture Week) and he spotted me I'll get Director post for JLS[Japanese Caltural Fair(a sub division for JCW)]. Then at night they have meeting talking about new event called JLF(Japanese Language Fair) and recently held at University of Malaysia. They have finallized about this event will combine with JCW, means another sub-division for JCW. The head and tail I don't know because at that time I at studio training my Chinese Opera act and I silenced my phone. At that time I went back,on laptop, bath then supper. Finally took my handphone and see...
3 messages
Then I saw Kang Yong's message, straight away click then read....
Tips: What he pridicted in the afternoon was wrong...

(Yupe!! Here goes the big butt BUT)

After reading his message, so many things run through my head but those 'things' are unexplainable...
(What, When, How, etc ect...)

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