Saturday 11 October 2008


Well as you guys might notice my blog is dead. Especially the author himself been buried himself with papers with inks. Stuffing words, formulas & into his brain while feeding my stomach with tasty suppers & junk foods that make look fat after finals.
Anyway I'll be back in the blogsphere very soon after my 2 more paper to finished.
Back to the topics...
As many of you know, the world economics have a sharp drop. Cause many companies ended up bankrupt.

I read yesterday The Star newspaper, there was a Cambodian couple who wanted to divorce due to the his wife did not take of him when he get sick. Well in Cambodia, when they want to divorce, it will take long process & money. To skip all those processes & costs, the couple decided to split their properties into half. Everything....

Everything, including sawing their house into half:

"I wonder, who manage got the washroom?"

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