Queue Management System
Chapter 1:
Is my ECP2216, MICROCONTROLLER AND MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEMS assignment. This assignment is about when you go to bank or any government to settle some dept. The moment you go there you need to take a ticket. Then, they'll assign you a particular counter. All you need is to wait your turn...
It will roughly sounds like...
"Number 0887"
"Counter number 2"
"Number 0887"
"Counter number 2"
To start of course we need to buy component to built the machine out.
Here are the checklist...
Sum everything up...
Is my ECP2216, MICROCONTROLLER AND MICROPROCESSOR SYSTEMS assignment. This assignment is about when you go to bank or any government to settle some dept. The moment you go there you need to take a ticket. Then, they'll assign you a particular counter. All you need is to wait your turn...
It will roughly sounds like...
"Number 0887"
"Counter number 2"
"Number 0887"
"Counter number 2"
To start of course we need to buy component to built the machine out.
Here are the checklist...
No. | Item | Qty | |
1 | 1kΩ resistor | 4 | ☑ |
2 | 8kΩ resistor | 1 | ☑ |
3 | 10kΩ resistor | 5 | ☑ |
4 | 220Ω resistor | 2 | ☑ |
5 | 100Ω resistor | 1 | ☑ |
6 | 3mm green LED | 4 | ☑ |
7 | Common anode 7-segment display (RED) | 4 | ☑ |
8 | 74LS47 | 3 | ☑ |
9 | 7805 | 1 | ☑ |
10 | 2n2222 | 2 | ☑ |
11 | 8051 | 1 | ☑ |
12 | 10µF capasitor, 25V | 3 | ☑ |
13 | 0.1µF | 2 | ☑ |
14 | 33pF | 2 | ☑ |
15 | 12MHz | 1 | ☑ |
16 | DC jack connector | 1 | ☑ |
17 | Micro tact-switch | 6 | ☑ |
18 | 40-way DIP IC socket (normal) | 1 | ☑ |
19 | 16-way DIP IC socket (normal) | 3 | ☑ |
20 | Vero board | 2 | ☑ |
21 | 1n4001 | 1 | ☑ |
22 | 3mm red LED | 1 | ☑ |
Believe or not. All of this cost RM51.50
For all bloody small parts cost bloody expensive.
For all bloody small parts cost bloody expensive.